Fountain Wind Project

Harvesting the Wind to Power an Economic Boon for Shasta County

Repsol Renewables is developing the Fountain Wind Project in northeastern Shasta County, near the existing Hatchet Ridge wind farm. Once in operation, the Fountain Wind Project will have a generation capacity of approximately 200 megawatts (MW), which has the potential to power more than 80,000 homes in the state of California.

The Fountain Wind Project will Provide Long-term Benefits to Shasta County and the Local Community

$50 million in property tax revenue over 30 years

Up to 10 full-time jobs during project operations

$3.5 million in sales tax revenue during construction

$2.8 million in direct community donations

Community access to Shasta Cascade Timberlands Property

Why Shasta County

The Fountain Wind Project area has been identified for wind energy development because of its strong wind resource, proximity to the existing transmission system with sufficient capacity, and favorable site suitability. The Project is currently seeking approval from the California Energy Commission.

Repsol Renewables is Committed to Siting the Fountain Wind Project Responsibly and Safely

Below are the following ways in which we will minimize potential environmental impacts of the project.

Fire Safety

Develop fire safety plans in consultation with CAL FIRE and Shasta County to complement the project landowner’s Asset Protection and Wildfire Safety Plan


Utilize existing on-site timber roads to the maximum extent feasible and coordinate construction deliveries to minimize impacts


Designed to preserve water flow and avoid impacts on water quality and erosion


Avoid conservation areas and sensitive habitats by completing intensive studies in coordination with state and federal wildlife agencies

Forestry Management

Use the land compatibly, helping to sustain the timber industry with additional streams of revenue


Design the project to meet all Shasta County noise standards


Implement financial securities that will guarantee responsible decommissioning and restoration at the end of the project’s life

Energy Independence

Locally-generated clean energy that strengthens the grid through diversity and off-peak energy

About Repsol Renewables

Repsol Renewables is wholly owned by Repsol, a global multi-energy company that leads the energy transition and has set itself the goal of being zero net emissions by 2050.

Our Experience

With a portfolio of over 20,000 MW of wind, solar, and storage projects under development across the United States, Repsol Renewables’ experienced team has a track record of successfully identifying, developing, and building renewable energy projects. Our project successes are built on a foundation of rigorous screening and site selection, collaborative engagement with landowners and host communities, and disciplined execution through development, construction and operations.

In support of the Fountain Wind Project and the benefits it will bring to Shasta County?

Click the link below to learn more.

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